autologoff plugin by Andreas Gohr
cleanup plugin by Andreas Gohr
color syntax plugin by Harald Hanche-Olsen (hopefully to be replaced by Prosemirror Plugin when released)
EditTable plugin by Andreas Gohr
Encrypted Passwords Plugin by Andreas Gohr
imgpaste plugin by Andreas Gohr
include plugin by Michael Hamann, Gina Häussge, Christopher Smith, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner
logviewer plugin by Andreas Gohr
DokuWiki plugin for Matomo by Marcel Lange
Move plugin by Michael Hamann, Gary Owen, Arno Puschmann, Christoph Jähnigen
Revert Manager by Andreas Gohr
safefnrecode plugin by Andreas Gohr
simplenavi plugin by Andreas Gohr
styling plugin by Andreas Gohr
DokuWiki Upgrade Plugin by Andreas Gohr
CKGEdit Plugin by Myron Turner (hopefully to be replaced by Prosemirror Plugin when released)