

  • Brookside
  • Gorin
  • Eagle Fustar
  • Norcal
  • Lu
  1. Wear a hat, cap or visor. This seems obvious until you find out that you forgot to pack one in your bag that day (as I have on occasion). So the corollary to this tip is – always carry a hat in your bag.
  2. Wear sunglasses. Same as above.
  3. Change your position on the baseline. Most of us tend to serve from the same spot on the baseline over and over again, without even thinking about it. So try changing your spot by getting closer to the center line or closer to the alley to avoid the glare. This has the added bonus of giving your serve a new, and hopefully confusing, look to your opponent.
  4. Change your stance. In other words, move your feet and position your body so that your chest is facing more towards the court or more towards the sidelines. Just make slight adjustments to your stance until you reduce the sun in your face as much as possible.
  5. Change your toss. This may mean moving your toss more to your left or right, more to the front, or more over your head. You can also try a shorter toss and a faster service motion.
  6. Just get the ball in. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just cannot see! This has been the case with me in just the past few days. In that situation, all you can do is try to pop the ball up and over the net and hope it lands in the service box. At least that way, you can get the point started and hopefully beat your opponent with your other incredible moves.
  • Use non-dominant hand to help unit rotation and rotate/prepare early
  • Roger Federer focus - do not look away too early
  • Backhand swing through
  • Serve with chin up
  • Try half-open stance?
  • Stay loose, grip as low as possible (help stay loose)
  • Time the jump right before the racquet knocks off the birthday hat
  • Tuck the non-dominant hand before snapping the wrist to slow down body unwinding
  • Regular Grip Weight - 16.9g
  • Leather Grip (Head Leather Tour) - 24.8g
  • 1/8“ build up heat shrink sleeve - 16.7g
  • Over grip (Wilson Pro Comfort) - 5.4g
  • String (Yonex Polytour Rev 1.25mm) - 17.6g ~ 17.8g
  • Final Strung Weight (with build up sleeve, leather grip and over grip) - 355.3g
  • Heat shrink
  • No leather grip
  • 6g lead (7th hole from head to 13th hole - cover 7 holes or 6 gaps)
  • Yonex POLYTOUR REV 125 (16L)
  • Main: 9.3x racquet length at 51 lb
  • Cross: 7.7x racquet length at 53 lb
  • Last modified: 2023/02/06 22:10
  • by Normal User