
Extensions Used

  • autologoff plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • cleanup plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • color syntax plugin by Harald Hanche-Olsen (hopefully to be replaced by Prosemirror Plugin when released)
  • EditTable plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • Encrypted Passwords Plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • imgpaste plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • include plugin by Michael Hamann, Gina Häussge, Christopher Smith, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner
  • logviewer plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • DokuWiki plugin for Matomo by Marcel Lange
  • Move plugin by Michael Hamann, Gary Owen, Arno Puschmann, Christoph Jähnigen
  • Revert Manager by Andreas Gohr
  • safefnrecode plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • simplenavi plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • styling plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • DokuWiki Upgrade Plugin by Andreas Gohr
  • CKGEdit Plugin by Myron Turner (hopefully to be replaced by Prosemirror Plugin when released)
  • Bootstrap3 Template by Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
  • DokuWiki Template by Anika Henke
  • Prosemirror Plugin By Andreas Gohr, Michael Große (WYSIWYG editor)
  • Last modified: 2022/12/05 13:52
  • by George Wayne